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SKI.Каталог 2020 | Цены

Лыжи - 2020 - DPS Wailer Grom 87

DP Skis

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DPS Wailer Grom 87
DPS Wailer Grom 87

Hot off the presses: introducing the new Wailer Grom (148cm and 158cm), $499 USD. This new junior ski arrives just in time for a full season of gravity operations. Following countless requests over the years from both parents and young shredders alike, we are proud to introduce an all-mountain/mixed snow offering for those making their way up through the ranks. When you are still light and shorter with less overall mass to float, 87mm underfoot provides ample lift in all but the deepest snow. The relationship of ski surface area to body size should feel equivalent to a 106mm underfoot ski driven by a full grown adult. The tapered tips and tails and subtle rocker cues blend the Grom’s ability to carve on the groomers while providing predictable, high-performance security and balance in crud and mixed snow.

For everyday riding in places that offer good off-piste, the Wailer Grom will open up new sensations and opportunities toward building technical, high performance skiing in the big mountains for the younger set.

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