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SKI.Каталог 2020 | Цены

Лыжи - 2020 - WhiteDot Ragnarok ASYM


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WhiteDot Ragnarok ASYM
WhiteDot Ragnarok ASYM

Эта же модель:

A statement in innovation and progress.

Skiing off-piste you are rarely carving a perfect turn, instead you use drifting, speed checking, carving and combinations of these to control your line.

The ASYM’s signature design is off-set taper, making a left and right foot specific ski. While the sidecut radius remains a constant 30m on both edges, the tip and tail of the outside edge tapers earlier than the inside creating an inside ski with a shorter effective edge that is easier to control.

This balances the different forces working on each ski as you go through the turn, making for an intuitive and two footed ride.

The ASYM is built for deep days on the mountain and to deal with the changeable conditions you face. We selected our Traditional fibre-glass construction for this new ski because not only is it our dampest construction but it also adds mass to the ski, making for astable and confidence-inspiring ride all over the mountain.


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