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SKI.Каталог 2013 | Цены

Лыжи - 2013 - Klint Pure 175


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Klint Pure 175
Klint Pure 175

Slanted sidewalls
Potent Full Birch wood core
Sandwich construction
Reflection Applied Concept (RAC)
Rocker construction
U.H.M.W. (Ultra High Molecular Weight) Sintered base, numerically controlled grind stone

The PURE is our brand new park ski, featuring rocker that starts at the tip and tails with positive camber underfoot. It's a great carving ski that allows release at the tip and tail for jibbing and park obstacles.
Full Birch wood core and slanted sidewall construction create a very strong, predictable and flowing ski. With a generous and symmetrical sidecut, the PURE is perfectly balanced in the air and totally safe on landing. The PURE is a 100% playful ski!
The PURE features our proprietary Reflection Applied Concept (RAC). RAC was born out of an analysis; most ski brands design each size of a same ski while focusing on the radius only, creating the major issue of completely changing the ski handling depending on its size.
Thanks to our proprietary CAD tool, we offer the exact same handling for a given model, whatever its 

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