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Дата6-12-2001 10:18

Notice Regarding Visa For Schengen States
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden. As of 01 June 2001, travelers to Europe on business or tourism purposes may receive a visa for a short stay of one to ninety days, valid for all of the above-mentioned countries. A Schengen visa issued by an embassy or consulate of the above countries allows the holder to travel freely in all of these countries, However, visas for travel to Monaco and French Overseas Departments and Territories may only be issued by a French Embassy or Consulate.
If you intend to visit only one Schengen country, you must apply through the embassy or consulate of that particular country.
If you intend to visit several Schengen countries, you must apply for a visa through the embassy or consulate of the country which is your main destination.
If you intend to visit several countries but do not have a main destination, you should apply for a visa at the embassy or consulate of the country which is your first port of entry.
If you do not need a visa for the Schengen country which is your main destination or first point of entry, please note that you may require a visa for other schengen countries you wish to visit. You should then apply through the embassy or consulate of the first country which does require a visa.

Regards, AlexDem.

Дерево сообщений
Тема сообщенияАвторДата
*Вопрос по визе, дайте совет, плиииз (+)kirser5-12-2001 09:17
.*Re: Вопрос по визе, дайте совет, плиииз (+)Honey6-12-2001 10:23
..читайте...Alexdem6-12-2001 10:18
..*Re: читайте...Guest17-12-2001 10:27
.*у меня положительный опытApresSki20005-12-2001 16:33
.*Re: Вопрос по визе, дайте совет, плиииз (+)Yurran5-12-2001 15:29
.*Это действительно так.BCat5-12-2001 14:45
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