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Тема сообщенияRe: Axis XP ли? Reply to this message
Дата14-10-2002 14:50

Ну, да. Было 107/70/97 - стало 115/78/105

Лыжа совсем стала похожа на райдовую

Сами они вот что пишут:

What happened to the X Pro? It's right here, just a bit wider. Our goal; to keep the high performance and versatility of the Pro while pushing the width envelope. The result is the XP where East meets West in this new twin metal laminate. The XP Provides the greatest marriage between maximum surface area and all mountain versatility. Same customer as the Pro, better weapon

Отзывы тех, кто катался (ski, skiing) - попсово, но картину представить можно:

The XP took Bigford through the crud and into some deep similes: "Like a dump truck with power steering. Strong and solid, the XP rips the slop."

Twardokens calls the XP "a fatty with carve potential."

McGrath says the XP "answers the 'where's-the-beef' question: Right here!"

A real crud and powder buster with enough shape to make it fun on the frontside.

We hire pro patroller Moscarella for many reasons. Here are two: She's an incredibly strong skier, and she spins skis into words. "Telepathic" is the word she picks for the astounding, rebounding, feather-light (but tanker tough) No. 1 ski in the catergory, the K2 Axis XP. Why? Touch the ski and it plows through slop. "With just the thought of a turn, it's turning," she says.

Richardson agrees: "Great feel, with a wonderful combination of enery and stability."

Pelletier loves the "dynamic 'kick' the XP releases after each arc."

Rogan likes the "quickness of the tip engaging, pulling you smoothly into the turn."

wbr, webmaster

Дерево сообщений
Тема сообщенияАвторДата
*Идиотский вопросVаl14-10-2002 10:54
.*Re: Идиотский вопросKирр15-10-2002 22:40
.*Re: Идиотский вопросgeorge14-10-2002 11:52
..*А такие где найти? :-) Vаl14-10-2002 12:15
...*Привет, Валя! Это не заклевали, это по-доброму :) (+)SINKO14-10-2002 12:36
....*Синка, ты ведь на моих Мерлинах катался (>)kaipa15-10-2002 00:09
....*Ну и попандос у тебя (+)red14-10-2002 14:26
.....*А вот интересно,Tur14-10-2002 17:45
......*Про лыжи с мозгами:red14-10-2002 18:04
.......*Видать сколько ног, столько мнений :-)Tur15-10-2002 14:01
......*Re: А вот интересно,Майор14-10-2002 17:46
.....*А К2 Escape 5500? Vаl14-10-2002 14:41
......*Re: А К2 Escape 5500? red14-10-2002 14:53
.......*Мужская >>>Vаl14-10-2002 14:59
.....*Axis XP ли?SINKO14-10-2002 14:39
.......Re: Axis XP ли?red14-10-2002 14:50
.......*:-))) (+)SINKO14-10-2002 16:23
....*Привет, скучаю... :-) Vаl14-10-2002 12:51
....*Привет, скучаю... :-) Vаl14-10-2002 12:50
...*Re: А такие где найти? :-) george14-10-2002 12:25
....*Re: А такие где найти? :-) Palych_a14-10-2002 13:22
....*Надо поскрести по сусекам... Vаl14-10-2002 12:42
.....*Про К2Arcady15-10-2002 10:20
......*УРА! Значит К2 :-) (>)Vаl15-10-2002 10:33
.......*Escape 5500 Arcady15-10-2002 11:23
........*Re: Escape 5500 >>>Vаl15-10-2002 11:55
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