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Дата6-4-2006 09:47

Это из powdermag.com

Miles Smart, a friend of Coombs and colleague at Exum Mountain Guides in Jackson Hole, provided further details in a telephone interview Tuesday from La Grave, where he had been guiding with Coombs this winter and had spoken with a member of the ski party.

Coombs was one of four skiers, all Americans, descending the Couloir de Polichinelle, a steep chute that winds through cliffs and ends in a 200-foot drop, Smart said. To avoid the last cliff, skiers must traverse to the left at the bottom and exit via another chute, said Smart, who skied the Couloir de Polichinelle on Tuesday and inspected the scene of the accident. VanderHam went first and disappeared from sight. Coombs skied next, saw that VanderHam had fallen over the cliff and yelled to the other two skiers above - Matt Farmer and Christina Bloomquist - to bring a rope.

"Doug skied down to the edge of the cliff and was sidestepping down on some rocks, to try to get a view of Chad, and Matt Farmer saw him slip a little bit," Smart said.

"He was down on rock slab and wasn't able to reset an edge because it was all rock slab below him," Smart said.

Some snow covered the rock where Coombs likely slipped. "He lost his edge when he was peering over the lip, trying to get a view of Chad," Smart said.

In all, the two skiers fell about 1,500 feet over rocks and steep slopes. Coombs was not breathing and had no pulse when rescuers arrived, Smart said. VanderHam, who likely had lost control when he hit a patch of ice near the bottom of the couloir, was unconscious and breathing but could not be revived, Smart said.

Я так понял - их было четверо, первым поехал Чад, за ним Кумбз. Чад исчез и Кумбз начал спускаться к перегибу чтобы понять что случилось с Чадом. Скалка на перегибе была покрыта слоем снегом но когда он попытался посмотреть за перегиб, перешагивая назад, наступил на голую скалу, сорвался и начал скользить по скале, на которой уже не было снега и не за что зацепиться. Оба пролетели около 500 метров. Когда их нашли спасатели, то Дуг был мертв, Чад был без сознания, но дышал...

"Ничего не слишком" (с) В.Орлов -Альтист Данилов-

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*Если ты упал, то ты умер... Упал Doug Coombs...red5-4-2006 07:30
.*Re: Если ты упал, то ты умер... Упал Doug Coombs...Andy10-4-2006 12:28
.*Камень в груди...Doors5-4-2006 17:45
.*Очень жаль. Он был лучший.Yar5-4-2006 11:57
..*Вот где это случилосьYar5-4-2006 18:38
....Eщеto us6-4-2006 09:47
..*Кстати, кусок из интервью...red5-4-2006 12:09
.*Да... с Дугом ушла целая эпоха...Alexdem5-4-2006 11:39
.*;( Telemark5-4-2006 10:29
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